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Personal Training near Upper East Side RSS Feed

  • Fit for SUCCESS October Newsletter

    Refer a Friend Oh the dreaded plateau… You’ve been working hard on your fitness game and it paid off. The pounds started to drop! And then one day your results stopped. You keep putting in the same effort without any sign of improvement. You’ve hit a frustrating plateau. Or have you? Before you blame a fitness plateau for your lack of results let’s critically consider the following: 1. Your Diet:
    It’s human nature to begin to slip on your nutrition after a few weeks of stringent diligence. A small treat here, and a bite of something there, and before you know it you’ve fallen back into old eating habits. If your results have stopped ....

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  • Fit for SUCCESS September Newsletter

    Refer a Friend! Getting Back on Track So you took a break from your fitness routine this summer. You ate, you drank, you relaxed, and ate some more. Well, now it’s time to face the music. As you look in the mirror after a summer of less-than-healthy eating… Your body is puffy and bloated. Your joints are achy. Your clothes feel tight. Maybe you are feeling that way right now. Here’s how to get you back on the fitness fast track. 1) Find Your Focus
    Summer happened. You ate things from the “never eat these” list, you drank more that you should have…but now it’s over. Draw a line in the sand. You’re back now so the bad eating ....

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  • Mindset: 4 Self-Motivation Mind Tricks for Success

    Mindset: 4 Self-Motivation Mind Tricks for Success

    Are you struggling with self motivation ? Having a hard time getting yourself to your regularly scheduled workouts? Finding more and more reasons to cheat on your healthy diet? You’re not alone and today I’ve got just the 4 Self-Motivating Mind Tricks that you need to lock onto your goals… A healthy dose of motivation coupled with determination will get you almost anything in life. So how do you know if you’re genuinely motivated?
    Motivation will tell you to get out of bed for an early workout.
    Motivation will nag you to put down the doughnut.
    Motivation makes passing on fries a reflex.
    Motivation makes a sweat drenched workout exciting.
    Motivation ....

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  • Fit for SUCCESS February Newsletter

    Refer a Friend This is better than perfection Do you follow fitness stars on social media? Their perfect, chiseled images popping up in your newsfeed to give you just the right amount of motivation to get you into the gym…or does it? Striving for perfection doesn’t always work. Quite frankly, perfection is unattainable, and will always leave you falling short and feeling bad about yourself. Instead I like to remind myself of this quote… 'Strive for progress, not perfection.' -Unknown Progress isn’t as exciting as perfection, but it is attainable. And progress builds upon more progress as you climb your way towards the accomplishment of real goals. And ....

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  • Personal Training and In-Home Personal Training Sessions in Upper East Side!

    Check out our new website for Success Fitness Studio!
    We proudly serve the Upper East Side areas! Come see the programs and deals we have to offer. Personal Training, Express Personal Training, In-Home Personal Training and SO MUCH MORE! Fill out the "Request Information" form on the side of the page and stop in for a visit today! Don't forget to click here to visit us on our social media pages!! Facebook and Yelp ....

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